The Target Group

The course is designed for geoscientists who wish to obtain a wide ranging practically orientated knowledge in hydrogeology and engineering geology of tropical and subtropical regions. As part of the course the numerous links between the various fields of applied geology including geology its self, hydrogeology, meteorology, hydrology, hydrochemistry, hydraulics, soil- and rock mechanics, tropical soil science, etc. are covered. The participants should thereby be able to communicate effectively with experts from neighbouring fields.

Another important aspect of the course is that participants of various cultural backgrounds, religious faiths and historical roots will, through studying and working together, improve their ability to cooperate as partners. Moreover, a professional dialogue and exchange of experience is encouraged between the participants.

Preference is given to applicants with professional experience, e.g. acquired as employees of geological surveys, water supply authorities, governmental or nongovernmental organisations, ministries, private companies or universities.

The course is designed for geoscientists who, for example, have to

Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Balke
Institute for Geology and Palaeontology, Sigwartstr. 10, D-72076 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 / 29-74684
Fax. +49 7071 / 5059

- Stand: 12. June 1997 -